Saturday, September 17, 2011

Remains of an ancient Greek colony were found in an island near Sozopol in Bulgaria

Archaeologists brought to light the ruins of an ancient Greek settleement after excavations they conducted at the little island of St. Kirik in the Black sea.Sozopolis is the modern name for the ancient settlement of Apollonia.Apollonia which is one of the oldest ancient Greek colonies was founded by Milesians at the 7th century BC.

Apollonia located south west

The head archaeologist of the excavations  Cristina Panayotovna  stated that the findings of the excavation could reveal the structure of a typical Greek Black sea colony.The ruins of the buildings proved the existence of an organised urban society.The building that were found were a metallurgical workshop and two streets(one of them led to Apollonia)  ,Among the findings there were also tools for fishing, tools for cloth production,religious pottery and religious idols made of clay.

Panayotovna's team will return for excavations in October. During the summer a Bulgarian-French team of archaeologists made excavations at the outskirts of Apollonia focusing on the remains of a mansion were they found a treasure of ancient coins.

source: to vima newspaper, translation made by me.

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