Korinth is only 100kms away from Athens.
You can take a bus or rent a car in order to reach Akrokorinthos.Akrokorinthos is an archaeological sight situated near the village of ancient Corinth and the modern city Korinthos.
You can see there the notorious Apollo temple , you can climb the hill and see the fortifications and the ruins of buildings of different ages(Roman,medieval,Turkish).
Near Akrokorinth, for those who get bored with archaeological sights , there are many beautiful beaches at the nearby coastal region like Kiato, xilokastro and diminio.At summer these touristic spots have an active nightlife as also does Korinthos.
Well let me return to the main subject. Akrokorinth isn't advertised so much by the greek ministry of tourism .Nevertheless it is a worth seeing archaelogical sight.
Akrokorinthos is near my home so that's why i begin my blog with it. Historically Akrokorinthos was the place where ancient Corinth was founded and expanded. The great hill served as a protection from enemy invasions. Every greek city in the past had an acropolis(hilltop castles).Gradually these hilltops served also as spiritual areas with the construction of temples dedicated to the protector god of the city.